
Attending Black Hat Europe 2020?

Check Out KnowBe4's Virtual Booth

Black Hat Speaking Sessions

Roger Grimes

Incredible Ways
You Can be Hacked Using Email & How to Stop the
Bad Guys

Email is a top attack vector the bad guys use. A whopping 91% of cyberattacks start with a phishing email, but email hacking is much more than phishing and launching malware!

Join us as we explore some of the ways hackers use social engineering to trick your users into revealing sensitive data or enabling malicious code to run. We will also share a (pre-recorded) hacking demo by Kevin Mitnick.

Date/Time: Wednesday, December 9th @ 10:10a GMT

Join Roger!

Security Awareness Training Live Demo

New-School Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing in Action

Your email filters have an average 7-10% failure rate; you need a strong human firewall as your last line of defense.

Join us for a live demo of KnowBe4’s innovative new-school Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform. Get your first look at the latest features during Black Hat!

Watch in the Black Hat On-Demand Zone!

Learn More!

The Mind's Lie: How Our Thoughts and Actions Can Be Hacked and Hijacked

The Mind's Lie:
How our Thoughts and Actions can be
Hacked and Hijacked

Discover the art and science behind deception… and why you may still fall for dirty tricks even after you understand how they work. From the slight-of-hand used by magicians, to the slight-of-tongue used for social engineering, we are all wired to deceive and to be deceived.

See how threat actors use these techniques against your users and how security awareness training can help them spot deceptions before it’s too late.

Date/Time: Thursday, December 10th @ 10:10a GMT

Join Perry!

KnowBe4's Virtual Booth Activities

Schedule a Meeting With Us!

Visit our Virtual Booth to chat live or schedule a meeting with us during the show! See our effective Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform live for yourself. Find out how you can secure your last line of defense: USERS!

Can you be Spoofed? Find out for a chance to win Bose Wireless Headphones!

Are you aware that one of the first things hackers try is to see if they can spoof the email address of someone in your own domain? Now they can launch a "CEO fraud" spear phishing attack on your organization, and that type of attack is very hard to defend against, unless your users are highly ‘security awareness’ trained.

KnowBe4 can help you find out if this is the case with our free Domain Spoof Test. It's quick, easy and often a shocking discovery. Plus, if you're in the United Kingdom, you'll be entered for a chance to Win Bose Wireless Headphones!

>Try to Spoof Me!