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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 24 May 2023
Last Updated: 22 Aug 2023
Since 2019, KnowBe4 has offered a Women in Cybersecurity scholarship, which includes $10,000 towards college education expenses. This scholarship aims to empower and encourage women to pursue careers in the cybersecurity field. After an extensive evaluation process, which included assessing academic achievements, leadership qualities, and a passion for cybersecurity, Sara was selected as our 2023 recipient! Sara demonstrated exceptional dedication, a strong commitment to promoting inclusivity, and a clear vision of how she plans to make a meaningful impact in the cybersecurity industry. We had a chance to talk with Sara to learn more about what motivates her and what she plans to pursue in the future. In today's blog, we are sharing what she had to say!
"I’ve always known about ISC2 scholarships, and they have been highly recognized among my peers at Northeastern University. When I saw the KnowBe4 application on the website, I knew right away that I wanted to apply. I felt like the criteria that you were looking for aligned with my goals and resume."
"Embracing my passion comes from maintaining confidence in my abilities and skill set. You will battle imposter syndrome sometimes, but you have to stay confident in yourself! You have to try new things and get involved in different projects. I am constantly looking for opportunities to grow by doing more research, getting new certifications, and exploring different sectors of cybersecurity."
"In my opinion, having more females in the cybersecurity space would bring a wider range of perspectives and skill sets to the industry. Overall, adding diversity of thought and mindset can lead to better innovation in the future. I believe that having more people to bounce ideas off of can really help the industry grow. Filling the gender gap in the tech world motivates me to fight for everyone to have a safe space to grow and work in the cybersecurity industry."
"My parents have always been my biggest inspiration. They are both extremely hard-working and dedicated. They have truly shaped me into the woman I am today, and I can attribute a lot of my success to the way that they raised me. My partner is always a huge source of my motivation. We share a lot of the same passions and goals, so having him by my side through this process has been amazing."
"The KnowBe4 scholarship will go straight to my tuition, so this will help supplement my tuition payments and alleviate some of the costs. With some costs eliminated, I can shift my focus to my career and accolades. I can spend additional time earning new certificates and attending workshops and conferences!"
"One thing I would say is to be willing to share what you think is your most impactful work. I definitely focused on the impact that I have made over the past few years during my time working in the industry. Don’t be afraid to show how passionate you are about cybersecurity, and make sure to convey that in your application as well!"
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