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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 5 Dec 2018
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
In the month of November, KnowBe4 celebrated a huge milestone! We hit $100,000,000 in sales! All of the Knowsters worked hard to help contribute to this huge success!
To thank the team and show off our accomplishment KnowBe4 had a plane fly around our Clearwater office building, pulling a custom made banner that said "KnowBe4 $100,000,000!"
In addition to the surprise in the sky, Knowsters also received a chocolate bar in milk or dark chocolate and a special pin for our spirit flags!
"I am super happy with this great milestone! Awesome team work from all of the Knowsters! Very well done!" said our CEO Stu. Congratulations for all the hard work KnowBe4!
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