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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 21 Aug 2019
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
On August 10th, KnowBe4 turned nine! Last year for our birthday, our CEO, Stu, dove into a giant cake and got frosting everywhere! So we knew we had to have a celebration that was bigger than our eighth birthday party.
To top Stu's cake dive, we challenged our Knowsters to make their best cupcake catapults and 14 of our bravest executives, directors and managers volunteered to get pie-ed by our recording-breaking Knowsters.
When it came time, all 14 of the executives lined up shoulder to shoulder, all of them in rain ponchos, shower caps and goggles except for one. Dane decided to dress in a nice suit and tie. "I went with what I thought was a pretty decent strategy. I figured nobody would want to hit a man wearing a nice suit, in the face with pie. I have never been more wrong in my life," he said. The Knowsters lined up armed with pies, waiting to make the shaving cream rain down on the executives."I would estimate I was hit with about 34 pies, which I believe is a Company record, so I think I won," said Dane.
"I had so much fun being able to throw pies at our executive team! My first target was my dear friend and Director Sarina. When they started handing me more, I took advantage and hit Dane square in the face and plopped one directly on top of my VP Sara's head out of niceness. I even took one for the team and gave Sarina a big old hug before she was hosed off and ended up with shaving cream in my ears! That part wasn't something I'd look to repeat, but it was so much fun and I think this should be a monthly activity!" said Andii.
Of course, we also invited our international offices to join in on the cupcake fun! Our UK Knowsters got a chance to catapult cupcakes at Lars, our Chief Revenue Officer, and Ruth, the Managing Director of the UK!
After the pies finished flying, it was time for the catapult contest. Knowsters could make their catapults out of any materials they wanted, they just couldn't be battery or electric powered. Eight catapults were made across our US and international offices, two of them were trebuchets and one was powered by compressed air.
Of course, it wouldn't be a birthday if we didn't have gifts for everyone! Everyone got a special hat, a custom pin and temporary unicorn tattoos, all designed by none other than Stephanie, one of our Shenanigans ladies.
With the shaving cream and the cupcakes all cleaned up and washed away, KnowBe4's ninth birthday will definitely be a tough one to beat!
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