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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 3 May 2017
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022
On April 30th, KnowBe4 hosted a beach party at Sheraton Sand Key Resort for all employees as a way to show appreciation for another month of record setting success. It was a day well spent, full of fun filled beach activities. First on the agenda was an all American cookout. Everything from grilled chicken and cheeseburgers to fresh fruit and desserts were all catered to the beach!
Beach activities consisted of volley ball, beach tennis, jet ski's, paddle boarding and kayaking!
Employees were encouraged to bring their families along to participate in all the fun in the sun!
A big shout out and thank you goes to our CEO and HR team for allowing us to have this event and organizing all the festivities for an unforgettable day!
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