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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 5 Feb 2020
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022
For 27 quarters in a row, KnowBe4 has been breaking records and setting new highest-ever earnings. To wrap up 2019 and our 27th record-breaking quarter, we did a couple of things to celebrate. The first was the giant banner (shown below) which was hung from our headquarters in downtown Clearwater Florida. The banner could be seen for blocks and told all passers-by of the continued success of the Knowsters. Each of the blue bars represents sales for a quarter (going back 3 years), with the latest jump in sales being large enough for Stu to lean on!
Secondly, we celebrated with a big party! Our quarter 4 employee/family mingle was a great way to celebrate the hard work that all the Knowsters put into the last quarter in order to pull off another all-time high. KnowBe4 employees, along with their friends and family, took the last couple hours of the day to eat food, play, games listen to music and mingle. This time the employee/family mingle featured some unique and fun family activities.
The first of our amazing party games was axe throwing! Don't worry, they were not actual axes; they were soft and velcro tipped, but still fun to throw!
We also had a unique party game called "Bungee Basketball" which was a sort of mix between basketball and tug of war. The results of this game were hilarious and mostly involved people flying backward through the air right before reaching the basket. The game was a big hit with both the kids and the adults.
Of course, as with any of our family/employee mingles, we had a ton of food and great music. This time food was provided by Fresh Kitchen, The Breakroom, Zoës Kitchen, and The Scone Age Bakery.
Watch the video below to get a full tour of the party from our two amazing Onboarding Specialists!
Check out our Facebook page to see photos from some of our past mingles - including the Q3 mingle which had a mechanical bull and rock wall!
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