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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 8 Jul 2016
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022
KnowBe4 would like to congratulate Ty, Annemarie, Bryan, and Richard on their recent success in joining the enterprise team. This group of four started training together seven months ago as SMB Reps and have already achieved enterprise status! Part of their success stems from the friendly competition they created together. Each one has pushed the others to do that one extra demo, or make that one extra phone call, the little extra is what has made all the difference.
Quotes from the fantastic four:
Ty: "Annemarie, Brian, Richard and I stayed in close contact even after we completed training. Whether it was comparing best practices or engaging in friendly competition, we've become more than just colleagues. KnowBe4 fosters these types of relationships because the atmosphere is upbeat, competitive, and fun. The all-hands-on-deck theme becomes a way of work here and you quickly realize that we are all teammates with the exact same goal in mind."
Annemarie: "First thing I can say about KnowBe4 is that it's the best company that I have ever worked for. Starting with a group was a bit nerve racking at first but have to say that it was the best experience because your learning and helping each other as a group. You really build a bond and a comradery with the employees that you started and trained with. Within 7 months to all be promoted at the same time was exciting because we are like a family and we are all back again. Being a part of enterprise is a little scary because your dealing with the big boys but definitely extremely exciting when you get a quote request for 10,000 employees. I can't wait to see what the next 7 months will bring.
Bryan: "I have worked for and with my fair share of companies. In that time I have to come to appreciate the good things, and deal, or put up with, the bad. In all my time spent in the work force I have never been a part of, or even heard of, a company like this one. There is nothing to put up with, nothing that I merely have to deal with. Every aspect of this job from from the product itself, the people I work with, to the environment as a whole has been amazing. The fact that I have been given the opportunity to move up and be a part of our enterprise team is something I am really proud of. And the fact that I am doing it with my friends that all started with me shows that the process here works. I look forward to the new challenges this new position will bring. And I look forward to doing everything I can to help KnowBe4 continue to grow."
Richard: "Working here at KnowBe4 has been great. With respect to overall targeted marketing, training and strategic planning for growth it is the best company I have ever seen. I am looking forward to the challenges as an Enterprise Account Manager and it's great to get promoted with the same team of people that I started with. I look forward to continuing to grow with the KnowBe4 team overall."
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