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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 6 Nov 2019
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022
Halloween is a big deal for the Knowsters; It’s Stu’s favorite holiday and the Knowsters have always celebrated it fervently! As the company has gotten bigger so has the Halloween celebration. Every year is an attempt to outdo the last as teams compete for the awards for “Best Individual Costume”, “Best Group Costume” and “Best Decorations”. Halloween is a time that allows the creativity of the Knowsters to really shine through, as we strive to not reuse old costume and decoration ideas from prior years.
The day starts with a company-wide photo and then continues with a parade of hundreds of costumed employees through downtown Clearwater to local coffee shops, where we get free drinks! Afterward, employees tour the different departments to see all of the decorations that were put up. By the end of the day, everyone has voted for their favorite costumes and decorations. This year’s winners were as follows:
Best Group
Central CSM- South Park
Best Costume
1st Place- Blue Alien
2nd Place - Ragnar
3rd Place - The Mad Hatter
Best Decorations
Developers - Area 51 Raid/Rave
Here are some more of the amazing costumes from this year!
Peaky Blinders:
Cereal Mascots:
Jurassic Park:
A twisted take on Benihana:
Our UK Office!
Check out our Facebook photo album for even more!
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Halloween is our CEO, Stu's, favorite holiday. With that said, our Halloween celebrations seem to…