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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 17 Oct 2017
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
Here at KnowBe4 we like to get everyone involved in the things they love to do the most. This season we had so many employees interested in softball, we were able to create two teams! This game was especially competitive as it was the first KnowBe4 face off game!
A great catch and the photo to prove it!
Drew swinging his bat furiously to get that home run!
Teamwork makes the dream work as this action shot shows in the sprint to third base!
Nice catch! It's all about focus, focus, focus!
Why so serious??? Shout out to Brian for pitching the game!
Whether in the office or playing softball, the fun never ends. Killer dance move ladies!
The best captured slides of the night go to the three lucky individuals above!
Next we have KnowBe4's home run king, trying his hardest not to throw the ball over the bushes!
What's better than one hat? Two hats! Because it's a tradition right?!
And the best face award goes to?......(drum roll please).. Zach! Good job getting in the groove while running!
No matter the winner the game is always best ended with high 5s! Great job guys!
Here's the whole motley crew posing for one last picture after the game. Until next time!
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