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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 28 Sep 2022
Last Updated: 28 Sep 2022
Being an intern at KnowBe4 is a special experience. Not only for the fun virtual movie days and coffee meet-ups but also for the professional development sessions and real-life projects that give interns a chance to make a difference at KnowBe4. Our interns are given an incredible opportunity to make a real impact. Our global internship program is currently offered in the U.S., the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, and is continuing to expand. This year, we're proud to share that more than 40% of our 2022 interns have already accepted full-time positions! Have you ever wondered what it takes to become an intern at KnowBe4? In today’s post, we’re sharing top tips from our recruitment team and internship team to help guide you in your journey of landing an internship at the world's largest security awareness training company.
Did you know that the average recruiter takes only seven seconds to scan an applicant's resume? This is why I always encourage students to think of their resumes like an appetizer. It's short but impactful to get both the recruiter and hiring manager hungry for more. If the recruiter likes your "appetizer" or resume, they will probably be interested in an "entrée" or interview!
-Alyssa, Global Talent Outreach Manager
Do you like rock climbing? Are you an avid baker? Share a little about yourself with the recruiters; it goes a long way. Don't just tell us what you think we want to hear; instead, help us get to know who you are as an individual!
-Izzy, Snr. Team Expansion Specialist
The best way to make your resume stand out is by showcasing any projects and outside studies you have done that you believe will help you succeed in the internship. This could be school projects, personal projects, and even certifications you have obtained.
-Regan, Team Expansion Specialist
Quantify your skills and give context on why it was a meaningful contribution. For example, instead of saying you made phone calls, state that you increased company call volume by 25% in your first three months!
-Alyssa, Global Talent Outreach Manager
Remember, you're interviewing us just as much as we're interviewing you. Curiosity and engagement are qualities we look for in candidates. One time, I interviewed a candidate who had a different question for each interviewer. I thought it was lovely because it was apparent that they were listening, engaged, and made an effort to connect with each of us personally!
-Izzy, Snr. Team Expansion Specialist
In recruitment, our two favorite “F-Words” are follow up & follow through! Be persistent in following up on your application. Keep tabs on our KnowBe4 careers page and stay connected to our recruitment team. You never know what opportunities may pop up, so keeping your resume and LinkedIn up-to-date is crucial.
-Alyssa, Global Talent Outreach Manager
Whether you're looking to apply for an internship at KnowBe4 or you’re jumping right back into your studies, we hope you found the tips from our recruitment and internship teams helpful. And don't forget, applications for the 2023 internship program are now open! From the U.S. to the Netherlands, and Germany to the United Kingdom, we have opportunities across the globe for students looking to gain real-world experience.
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