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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 4 Apr 2017
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022
We Stand For Equal Pay
In the U.S., women earn about 76 cents per dollar less than earned by men on average, but the causes of the gender pay gap are a bit more complicated. Here at KnowBe4 we do our part to close the gender pay gap, which is why we join Glassdoor in celebrating the right to equal pay for equal work and experience.
Pay equality is an important issue for everyone, and by joining Glassdoor’s Commitment to Pay Equality, we are formally telling our employees, candidates and the world that we are committed to equitable pay practices. The more companies stand up for equal pay, the closer we get to closing the pay gap and making salary equality a reality for all.
We stand alongside more than 3,000 employers that are also celebrating the right to equal pay. Join us in this important conversation and share that you #StandForEqualPay with us!
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