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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 25 Sep 2019
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
Following the unfortunate destruction to the Bahamas due to Hurricane Doriane, KnowBe4 wanted to help with the devastation.
The drive began by a few independent Knowsters, but KnowBe4 was so inspired that the project was taken on by our Shenanigans ladies. They were able to find Sol Relief local group that flies supplies into the Bahamas. From there, the United States States Coast Guard distributes the supplies.
In one single day, KnowBe4 was able to collect $1,800 in monetary donations. Supplies were also donated. Knowsters were able to provide everything from water, canned food goods, diapers, wet wipes, bug spray, dog and cat food, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine products and childrens toys. KnowBe4 also donated a generator and chainsaw, as well as tools such as hammers and screwdrivers.
Amidst all of the devastation, it is important to remember that every life is valuable. Lending a helping hand to those in need can make all the difference. Thank you to all the Knowsters who donated!
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