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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 11 Jun 2020
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022
KnowBe4 has officially started the process of returning to the office. Of course, the health and safety of our employees is our number one priority so the return to working from the office will be slow, careful, and entirely voluntary, while still fun!
Team Rotations
In the first phase of our return to the office, only one-fifth of the team will be returning and these team members will be divided into two groups that will work in rotations; one group will work from the office while the other group works from home and then they will switch periodically. This will help us keep the number of employees in the office at one time to a minimum so we can maintain proper social distancing guidelines. The teams will be entirely comprised of employees who have volunteered to return to the office. Anyone who is not ready or unable to return to the office can continue working from home until they are ready.
Temperature And Wellness Checks
All employees, vendors, and visitors entering the building - even the CEO - will be required to have their temperature checked. This will be done utilizing an infrared contactless forehead thermometer and will be conducted by People Operations team members stationed at all entrances. All employees will also be required to fill out a questionnaire daily. Any employees demonstrating symptoms of illness will not be allowed into the buildings.
Additional Social Distancing Guidelines
In addition to the limited number of employees that will be in the buildings at one time, we will be implementing many guidelines to help enforce social distancing within the office. We are limiting the capacity of elevators to ensure employees are able to maintain a safe distance from each other while in the elevators. We are also requesting employees who are physically able to please take the stairs when possible. Many changes have been implemented to our breakrooms including the removal of all seating, snacks, coffee, and microwaves. However, while the breakrooms are being restricted, our amazing Breakroom Concierges will be bringing snacks, coffee, and tea to the Knowsters in a safe, clean, and monitored way. The carts have everything an employee could expect from the breakrooms and come with the added convenience of being taken right to the Knowsters' desks.
Additional Cleaning And Sanitation
KnowBe4 already maintained strict guidelines for sanitation before the pandemic, but now we will be raising the bar even higher to ensure the health and safety of all employees working from the office. Our People Operations team will be making frequent rounds to clean and sanitize all high touch point areas, such as door handles. There are also over 70 hand sanitizer stations throughout the office located near these same high touch areas to promote clean habits. We will also be utilizing UV lights to sanitize incoming mail and other hard to clean surfaces. Finally, we will be using a Hydrogen Peroxide based decontaminating fog on a monthly basis to do a full and thorough sanitation of our office.
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In Office Fun
Our "Fun and Shenanigans" team has been hard at work to make sure the Knowsters returning to the office are having fun! Employees in the office have already celebrated National Doughnut Day, National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, and National Iced Tea with some sweet treats, and the Fun and Shenanigans team has a lot more planned for the Knowsters in the office. Plus we still have fun virtual events and activities happening for our employees all over the world who are continuing to work remotely.
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Virtual Hiring and Onboarding
For the foreseeable future, we will be maintaining our virtual hiring and onboarding procedures. All stages of the interview process will be conducted via phone or video calls. New hires will only need to visit the office briefly to collect their equipment. Afterwards, the whole onboarding and training process will be conducted virtually - read more about the virtual onboarding process.
As the situation progresses we will continue to provide updates on our remote and office work environments.
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