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KnowBe4 Celebrates Halloween Around The World

By: KnowBe4 HR

Published: 6 Nov 2020
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022

Halloween is an all-time favorite holiday around KnowBe4! Halloween is our CEO Stu's favorite holiday, so it has been an important part of KnowBe4's company culture since our founding. As the company has grown, so too have the Halloween celebrations. Now Knowsters around the world celebrate Halloween together! While we couldn't celebrate Halloween in the typical way this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, our offices around the globe still found ways to get into the holiday spirit.

Celebrations In The United States

The office in Clearwater, Florida is our global headquarters, largest office, and home to our largest Halloween celebration. This year the Clearwater office held an Alice In Wonderland themed trick-or-treat drive-thru. Knowsters could drive to our office in Clearwater to visit during work hours and at 6pm we opened the drive-thru to the public too! This contactless drive-thru was a safe alternative to going door-to-door while trick-or-treating, as no one had to leave their cars and all employees at the event wore masks and didn't come into contact with visitors. Treats for visitors included kettle corn, gourmet speciality cookies, children's toys, caramel apples, and bags of candy. For Knowsters coming through the drive-thru, we even had a costume contest to see who showed up in the best costume.

Halloween 2020 Drive Thru Promo Poster

Many Knowsters put in a lot of work to pull off this amazing event. Watch the video below for a look at how they transformed an old bank drive-thru into a magical Halloween event for our company and our community!

Here are some of our favorite at-home costumes from our Knowsters in the United States!

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Sailor Moon Group


Celebrations In The United Kingdom

In the UK our whole team celebrated virtually. Just because the team couldn't be in the office didn't mean we couldn't have some fun this All Hallows' Eve! Our local team held several cool competitions to see who could get the most into the Halloween spirit, and of course, we had great prizes for all of the winners. The competitions included Best Costume, Best Dressed 'Co-worker' (i.e. an employee's friend, partner, kids, dogs, cats, etc...), and Most Revolting Recipe (judged by look instead of taste).

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Celebrations In The Netherlands

In the Netherlands all of the celebrations took place virtually as well. While Halloween isn't a very big holiday in the Netherlands, all of our local Knowsters still love to participate in all of the fun! This year we held a virtual competition to see who could show the most Halloween spirit by doing things like dressing up in costume, baking, and decorating our houses. Here are just a few shots of our spirited Knowsters.

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Copy of Silent J-1 Copy of Patricia


Celebrations In South Africa

In South Africa our Knowsters have just been allowed to return to the office, so we got to celebrate Halloween by doing some of our own decorations in our newly expanded office space. We were also greeted by bags of Halloween treats when everyone first got back to the office. We all had a lot of fun decorating and thought this was the perfect way to kick off working from the office again.

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Celebrations In Brazil

In Brazil we have also been allowed to return to the office, so we decorated our new office space to show off our Halloween spirit. There were also buckets full of special halloween treats spread throughout the office for everyone to enjoy! This was a great way to get comfortable in our new office space and have fun with our first days back in the local office.

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No matter how we all celebrated around the world this year, all the Knowsters share one common thought - we can't wait to go even bigger for Halloween next year!


Join the celebrations at a KnowBe4 office near you!


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