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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 13 Apr 2018
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
As KnowBe continues to expand rapidly, it’s important to us that employees are given the opportunity to get to know one another to keep a close and fun work environment! Employees were encouraged to invite their families to come out, mingle, dance, sing and enjoy a variety of food and beverages from our local vendors!
Thank you to Better Byrd, Fresh Kitchen, Wakamole and Mana Mana for coming out and providing us with delicious meals!
Station Square Park was the perfect outdoor location with beautiful weather.
There was music, dancing and we even discovered some future American Idols singing karaoke! Entertainment provided by Michael Sean Fernandez with Crew Entertainment Productions.
With all the great feedback we have received from this fun event, we have decided to host a KnowBe4 family mingle every quarter! Thank you to all who came out and to all vendors who helped create a memorable evening. We look forward to the next one!
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