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KnowBe4 Gets Into The Spirit For The End Of The Quarter!

By: KnowBe4 HR

Published: 7 Apr 2021
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2022

Just like that, another great quarter has already come and gone at KnowBe4 and our whole team celebrated with a spirit week! Each day in the last week of the quarter (March 29th - March 31st), we had a special theme that encouraged the Knowsters to dress up and have fun with their teammates while even giving everyone a chance to win special prizes for joining the celebrations. For this spirit week, the themes were Wacky Hat/Hair Day, Dress To Impress Day, and Purple Day. Our teams around the world participated - from the US to the Netherlands, to South Africa, to Australia. Keep reading to see more about how we celebrated each day.

Internal Growth-1

Wacky Hat/Hair Day

Who has always wanted to do something crazy with their hair or put on a fun hat they almost never have a reason to wear? Apparently, a lot of the Knowsters! This day really showed off the creativity of our team members, as many of the Knowsters colored, shaped, and designed their hair in unique styles. The rest put on their favorite hats, whether an interesting hat from a Halloween costume or a baseball cap with a funny joke. Check out some of our favorite hats and hair designs below!

The NetherlandsCrazy HatHair Day 2021
Julia Dunn Granger UK Team Cray Hat Day 2021
Ashley Price-1 Shenell Baker-1 Timothy Bohn 2-1

Dress To Impress Day

Knowsters can wear almost whatever they want, "as long as they don't get arrested on their way to work." So Dress To Impress Day gives our team a fun opportunity to put on their nicest clothes and feel fancy for the day! While not everyone wants to wear formal clothes every day, it’s nice to have a reason to get really dressed up from time to time. Check out some of the fun, fancy outfits the Knowsters put on for Dress To Impress Day.

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Lynnette Grimm-1 IMG_3280-2
Sharon Wilson-1 Dane Ryan

Purple Day

It's tradition to end every month with Purple Day! In case you don't know already, this tradition started a long time ago when employees caught on to the fact that our Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) always wore purple shoes on the last day of the month. That was because purple is the feng shui color of prosperity and wealth. This was our CRO's little good luck ritual for ending the month with as many sales as possible. The practice quickly caught on, and before long everyone in the organization started wearing purple. Now, it's almost a competition to see who can wear the most purple. Check out some of the great outfits from this month's Purple Day!

Business Applications purple day-1
Naira Casarim dos Santos-1-1-1
Brittany Campos

We will always find a reason to make work fun, whether in the office or at home! This spirit week was a great way to build excitement for the end of another quarter and start every day with some fun team building. It’s days like these that really show KnowBe4’s team spirit and unique company culture.

Join A Team With Spirit!


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