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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 17 Jul 2019
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
KnowBe4 has designed an inclusive culture where all ages can develop and excel. Recently KnowBe4 was named the #2 Best Workplace for Millennials in the Small and Medium Business category by Great Place to Work and Fortune!
In 2018 KnowBe4 was named #60 on the list, so to have made such a significant jump to #2 in 2019 is a great accomplishment!
"Because our employees are our most important asset, we place a high value on fun, transparency and career growth at KnowBe4. These are values that millennials thrive on. We’re proud to support a staff that’s just over half millennials," said Stu, our CEO.
The promotion rate for managers was 15% last year and the promotion rate overall was 23%, many of which included millennials. "KnowBe4 is a fast pace work environment that keeps myself and other millennials stimulated to get the job done Right, Fast and Fun," said Marcie.
“To be recognized as one of the premier places for millennials in the workplace is an honor and also speaks to the amazing culture we continue to cultivate for all of our employees," said Erika, our SVP of People Operations.
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