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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 21 Feb 2017
Last Updated: 22 Mar 2022
Entrepreneur magazine released a CultureIQ survey that spanned nationwide including small, medium and large size companies. Each office culture was measured using 10 predictors: collaboration, innovation, agility, communication, support, wellness, work environment, responsibility, performance and mission alignment. Thousands of companies participated and through employee feedback, a list of 50 rankings were calculated across three different company sizes.
KnowBe4 is happy to announce a third place rank in the Large-Sized Companies: The Best Company Cultures in 2017.
Entrepreneur thought it was important to point out what can be learned from these top company cultures. Again, KnowBe4 was mentioned, discussing how sales staff can improve through the use of data. A key factor is understanding that our sales reps are considered consultants, cultivating the right formula designed specifically to each company's needs. Combine that approach with the right amount of prospecting and web demos, now you have a recipe for continued sales success.
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