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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 8 Feb 2018
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
As KnowBe4 continues to hit our goals, we are not only rewarded with monetary bonuses but also fun team involved events. KnowBe4 sets sail for the first time in the Clearwater bay!
Pirate hats, eye patches and earrings were provided to all who attended!
We pillage, we plunder! Yo ho, yo ho a pirate's life for me!
All hands on deck for the dance party!!
Treasure is more than just silver and gold. It’s the memories you make and the friends who become family. Thank you Yacht StarShip for hosting an incredible night filled with laughter, dancing and delicious food! And thanks to DesignLab for capturing the memories!
Get ready to discover what makes KnowBe4's sales organization one of the most dynamic and rewarding…
Halloween is our CEO, Stu's, favorite holiday. With that said, our Halloween celebrations seem to…