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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 6 Aug 2020
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022
In this post, Sam, KnowBe4's Public Relations (PR) intern, takes over the HR blog to announce a large PR project she's been working on in collaboration with the Downtown Clearwater Merchants Association.
Supporting local businesses has never been harder or hotter. Between the Florida heat and a decrease in customer traffic due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, businesses struggle to stay afloat, and KnowBe4 has stepped in to help.
KnowBe4 cybersecurity company is sponsoring a donation of 38 large street fans to the downtown Clearwater area. The fans will be placed along the 400 and 500 blocks of Cleveland street to enhance this space.
KnowBe4 feels strongly about supporting local businesses and engaging with community-building efforts, and this seemed like the perfect way to chip in during such a trying time. With the 400 and 500 blocks of Cleveland street temporarily closed off to encourage customers to enjoy the restaurants in that area with new outdoor seating abilities, these fans will save people from some of the heat and humidity we are all-too-familiar with. “Your support with giving us the fans is just going to be fantastic,” Carolyn Bradham, owner of the local restaurant “Kara Lynn’s Kitchen” and vice president of the Downtown Clearwater Merchants Association, said. “It’s going to really help, and it’s going to also show the city that there really is a lot of intention on the part of all the people working down here, not just the restaurants, to have this kind of an atmosphere for their employees to come to lunch, after work, or whenever.”
Restaurant owners have noticed a drastic improvement in business since Cleveland street was closed in May, but many feel much more will need to change to keep some of the restaurants from shutting down completely. On behalf of the merchants of Clearwater, Bradham concludes that an increase in customer traffic to the local restaurants is vital. The merchants are working hard to create the best experience possible for their customers, and hope for a permanent closure of the 400 and 500 blocks of Cleveland street so that this pleasant outdoor environment can grow and stay.
KnowBe4 already supports local business in a variety of fun ways, and frequently jumps on new opportunities to do so. When the office is open, for example, breakfast, lunch, and even juice and pizza carts filled with food options from local restaurants roll through the workspace for employees to easily purchase on-the-go. The organization also facilitated bi-weekly restaurant "pop-ups" in the office which featured their favorite Clearwater restaurants and local small businesses.
KnowBe4 makes it clear that our organization is a FAN of local business, and is excited to help further spark positive change within the community.
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