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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 15 May 2019
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
With the amount of hyper-growth happening at KnowBe4, it is nice to have research-validated statistics on our employee engagement and satisfaction.
505 Knowsters completed Quantum Workplace's survey to help provide feedback. KnowBe4 scored a 92.25 which was above the average "Biggest Finalists" for Best Places to Work!
Of the 505 Knowsters who completed the survey, 97% reported that they feel highly or moderately engaged and favor KnowBe4! We try to keep our employees engaged through our extensive benefits, company-wide monthly bonuses, end of month lunch, evening boat cruises and much more!
94% of male Knowsters and 89% of female Knowsters that took the survey agreed that they see opportunities to grow and develop with KnowBe4. Our Director of Career Development, Dave, offers help in training for career advancement! In fact, 25% of our workforce was internally promoted this past year. KnowBe4 also offers certification bonuses for employees that complete job related certifications! Certification bonuses can go all the way up to $10,000.
Even our feedback comments were glowing!
KnowBe4 has a strong employee success focus and we are always working hard to improve our Knowsters lives! With the feedback we have received from Quantum Workplace's Best Places to Work, KnowBe4 will be able to apply the feedback to our continuous improvements!
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