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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 26 Jun 2019
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
June is Pride Month! Pride Month originally began to commemorate the Stonewall Riots, which took place in June of 1969. Since then, Pride Month has been a celebration of equal rights and inclusion for all.
Here at KnowBe4 we recognize the importance of promoting and supporting self expression, as well as equal rights and inclusion.
To show our support and celebrate, KnowBe4 participated in St Petersburg Pride Parade on June 22nd. 25 of our Knowsters came out to walk in the parade and show off our custom KnowBe4 Pride banner! We also filmed a Pride Video in Downtown Clearwater. This July we will be attending the Fearless Unmasquerade in Tampa!
We also featured a few of our LBGTQIA+ Knowsters on our KnowBe4People social media accounts and giving a voice to our LGBTQIA+ team members has been inspiring. Being able to show different perspectives on the importance of supporting the LGBTQIA+ community both in and out of the workplace is crucial. Equality and inclusion shouldn't have a time frame and no one should have to fight to be accepted by their peers.
KnowBe4 is always working to improve our inclusion and equality initiatives. For the Knowsters, Pride is more than a month. We celebrate it 365 days a year and encourage everyone to be their most authentic selves.
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