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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 8 Mar 2018
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
KnowBe4 is always looking to implement new ways to better the employee work experience. Here at KnowBe4, we offer free gym memberships with Anytime Fitness to all employees, provide yoga classes every Wednesday and starting today we now offer the option for massage sessions on Thursdays!
These perks sure aren't going unnoticed! Our very first day having “Essentials Premier Day Spa” we scheduled to have them here for 2 hours, this turned into almost 3 hours with the amount of over-bookings that occurred!
Thank you to Essentials Premier Day Spa for providing your amazing services, we look forward to having you back next Thursday! And to all KnowBe4 employees for your continued hard efforts, it does not go unappreciated!
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