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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 12 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 12 Oct 2022
From September 15 to October 15 each year, Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the histories, cultures, and contributions of ancestors from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
At KnowBe4, we are focused on building a diverse workplace culture where all Knowsters can be their authentic selves, including our Hispanic and Latinx communities. We are proud to have recently launched our newest employee resource group, “VAMOS!”. In today’s blog, we are excited to hear from Irene, Sales Engineer Director and President of VAMOS!, and learn more about why she is excited to lead this new employee resource group.
KnowBe4 is incredibly supportive of the unique backgrounds of its employees. During my time here, the quirks of my Latin heritage have always been viewed as strengths. Being a Latina at KnowBe4 has only ever come up in a positive light.
I was born and raised in Venezuela. I lived there until I decided to move to the United States at 28 years old. We are very communicative and open, allowing most people to learn about a wide array of topics and circumstances in relation to our culture. To some extent, we Venezuelans are considered to be jack-of-all-trades. It's an excellent mindset when applied to a professional setting!
I've always been inspired by the strong matriarchs that guide entire generations with gentle toughness. Latino mothers build and sustain the frameworks on which others are launched to greatness. As a leader, I try to replicate this quality for my team at KnowBe4 every day.
This employee resource group has been a long time in the making. I'm excited to see our members become vocal ambassadors of their heritage to all Knowsters and leverage this new layer of connection with their colleagues.
I will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by involving as many people as possible in our planned festivities! I will also try to get a little dancing in!
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