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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 8 Mar 2023
Last Updated: 8 Mar 2023
KnowBe4 is committed to honoring women and promoting gender equality. One example of this commitment is our #GirlsClub scholarship program. We sponsor two women to join the #GirlsClub training program, which includes 6 months of leadership training and networking opportunities with other women in sales. In honor of International Women's Day, we are excited to introduce you to Ana and April, our 2023 #GirlsClub scholarship winners!
"I am most excited about meeting my mentor(s), so I can learn from them and eventually be inspired by them. I am also excited to network with other #GirlsClub members that have the same mentality as mine and see how this will contribute to my career growth!" -Ana
"I am most excited to network with other motivated and successful women in sales. The sharing of knowledge, strategies, and skills to be successful in not only sales but also in leadership and professional development is most exciting to me when shared with a group." -April
"I heard about the scholarship during one of our daily briefings, and I was eager to have the chance to be around other women giving me advice. I am driven to learn new things that with help me grow in my career or personal life, so I asked myself, why not apply?!" -Ana
"Once I had applied to the #GirlsClub program, I was perusing the resources to make it possible. I found the KnowBe4 scholarship there. I was already familiar with KnowBe4, as my company uses KnowBe4 for our security training. I thought they helped me pass my phishing test, so I know they can help me make #GirlsClub happen! When I dove into the application, I enjoyed the challenge of digging into my reasons and motivation for participating in #GirlsClub. I also felt so valued being asked about not just my professional goals and experience but also being asked about my personal goals and interests. It was the first time I got to talk about my newest hobby of making pasta by hand!" -April
"I embrace ambition with discipline and hard work. I think that when you combine discipline and hard work, you will be successful in reaching your goals. Hard work always pays off!" -Ana
"Sales, in general, is a challenge, and being a woman in sales definitely adds its own set of challenges. With a background in 'the helping professions' from education and counseling, I work to help other sales professionals to learn, grow, and be successful. Not only do I find this incredibly rewarding, but it also supports my own growth in sales. Through this, I have been able to not only improve and refine my sales skills, but I have also been able to grow into new and exciting positions in sales. I have taken on training, education, and leadership roles through my success and in helping others to succeed. And I’m not finished yet! My goal is to continue to grow in sales and eventually lead a team of sales trainers and leaders." -April
"My mom inspires me because she was a very strong woman. She was born in the early 1900s when things were very difficult for women. Even through all the obstacles she had to overcome, she inspired women in our city in Brazil to focus on education and become leaders in their community." -Ana
"My mother. And not just because that is the usual answer! I have watched my mother start from the bottom and work up to the VP-level for a huge financial institution. She is brilliant, and she has always worked so hard and overcome any obstacle put in her way. My mom always finds solutions to any challenge thrown her way. Like sales (and, well, most things), banking and finance also have challenges specific to women in that industry. Seeing her push through so much has always helped me to address the challenges I face as a woman in sales." -April
"For a long time, sales positions were mostly geared toward men. I think diversity in any position will show that we are able to conquer and achieve big results. I feel like by bringing the diversity of thought to the table, along with my power as a female, my team can successfully reach our stretch goals!" -Ana
"Most of my sales experience has been with companies and/or industries that are very male-dominated. While there have been women in entry-level sales positions, many of them thought it was pointless to even apply for more senior-level roles. There was no representation there, and 'the boys club' seemed impossible to break into. I understood. I saw it. I felt it. So, I encouraged these women that thought, 'why even bother letting them know I am interested' to do just that - let them know. Make a plan and present it. Show your numbers. Truly reflect on why you want the role and how you are going to make it happen. And then do it! And then, I thought about how I could impact the representation of women leaders in a sales organization. I thought about my skills and passions, as well as what I had and could contribute to that company. I earned the role of Sales Trainer so that from day 1 with the company, the women in sales could see that there was a woman in a leadership role right there for them. To teach, encourage, and develop them so that they could not only be successful in sales but also pursue more senior roles in sales." -April
"This scholarship will give me more visibility as a female leader in sales. This is an opportunity to grow my sales skills and network all in one. I cannot wait to meet many new people, especially female sales leaders!" -Ana
"The KnowBe4 scholarship is giving me the opportunity to fully embrace, without fear or hesitation, a program that will allow me to focus on my professional development and skill refinement as a woman in sales. The opportunity to grow as a leader and help other women to speak up, be confident, and embrace the sales profession even if they’ve been told: 'girls can’t do it'. Yes, we can!" -April
"I am really happy that I was chosen because even though I applied with a confident attitude, being from Brazil and being a woman in sales still hindered my confidence. I would advise anyone applying to be genuine in their answers. Write with passion because it will shows the committee what you want and what you’re motivated by!" -Ana
"Do it! Be real; be you. I think my face hurt from smiling so much hearing the feedback on why I was selected for this scholarship. I accomplished my goal - I was genuine and honest with my answers, and I was able to make my personality come through in my writing - my joy, passion, and excitement. If you are interested in this scholarship, do the same. I promise that being genuine and you (even if you are kind of a goofball like me) is much more exciting for the members of the selection committee to read than what you think they want to hear. This scholarship is going to be given to you for who you truly are and how you represent women in sales, so make it clear!" -April
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