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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 31 Oct 2018
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month and KnowBe4 has gone all out pink! In the true "Mean Girls" tradition, the KnowBe4 family wore pink on every Wednesday in October.
Not only did KnowBe4 go pink, we also raised money to donate to "The Donna Foundation" and "The Florida Breast Cancer Foundation". All together the Knowsters raised around $3,700! The Donna Foundation provides support and financial assistance to those who are affected by Breast Cancer. The Florida Breast Cancer Foundation seeks to spread awareness through advocacy, education and research, as well as find the cure to end Breast Cancer.
It was very important to KnowBe4 to donate the money we raised, to local foundations that focused on giving back to Breast Cancer research, as well as those affected by it. The Donna Foundation and The Florida Breast Cancer Foundation are two amazing foundations that promise to do just that!
A huge "Thank You" to our KnowBe4 family, who helped raise money for both of the great foundations.
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