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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 15 Jan 2018
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
It’s that time of year, we spread the cheer! KnowBe4 hosts our annual white elephant gift exchange! The name of the game is this: Each participant brings a wrapped unmarked gift. Guests are given numbers as they arrive and they select gifts in that order...but with a twist! After the designated #1 chooses their gift, on the second turn #2 has the option to grab a wrapped gift or take the gift from #1 in which case #1 would then grab another wrapped gift from the pile. If your gift is taken, you have the option to take from another or grab a new gift from the pile. Fun right?!
Check out some of the many captured moments from one of our favorite annual events!
It wouldn’t be a party without Sean in a costume! We love your enthusiasm!
The moment when someone steals your gift...sorry about your luck Matt! Hope you still ended with a good gift ;)
These lovely ladies are rockin the beards and we can’t get enough of it!
What’s better than the gift of chocolate?! Am I right ladies??
Who doesn’t love a good gag gift?! LOL
As our team grows bigger, as does the fun!
Gifts were given or stolen ;) laughs were shared and friendships were made. Thank you to everyone who participated and for continuing to make KnowBe4 the greatest place to work! And that’s a wrap! …. pun intended
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