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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 4 Jan 2018
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
As always we are working hard during the day here at KnowBe4, but at night we like to have fun and get athletic! The KnowBe4 Fall Soccer Team had a great season making it all the way to the 2nd round of playoffs! We were able to capture some great action shots from the season. GO TEAM!!!
We are always working to make our goals, in and out of work ;)
Victoria is on fire! Ain’t nothin slowing her down!
Here is Andrew in action, look at that focus and determination!
Coming in for a goal! Teamwork makes the dream work people!
Coming in fast Lindsey is on a mission, she’s got the eye of the tiger!
He's as athletic as they come folks! Drew is competitive and loves to win.
Check out Victoria, she isn’t letting anyone get past her! LET’S - GO - DEFENSE!
Way to go team! Thank you for representing us well and bringing in the win!
But having fun is always the GOAL! And you all know how to do just that!
We are all very proud of your hard work and enthusiasm and love supporting you! Be sure to check back soon for the upcoming winter soccer season. Reach out to Drew if you’d like to join the team, you don’t want to miss out on this fun!
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