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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 25 Jul 2017
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
Our team made it to the championship game and unfortunately fell short. Now that season 2 is over, Captain Vic is actively looking for more players for season 3. Next season will take place sometime in the fall and we are eager to win it all!
Before any big game, it's always important to take a few moments to stretch. We have one athlete below showing us the proper technique, thanks Joe! ;)
Next, we have Victoria kicking the ball into motion to get the game going!
There was no slowing down in this game, all eyes on the ball as Nick kicks in another goal!
As you can see below, soccer is so much more than a sport, it can also be a little ballerina dance with your feet!
Life is like soccer, we need GOALS! KnowBe4's goalie is the best around and always has our back on the field!
The game is only as serious as you make!
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