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Stories From Quarantine - How KnowBe4 Employees Handle Work From Home

By: KnowBe4 HR

Published: 13 May 2020
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2022

The Knowsters have been working remotely for nearly two months now as the world continues to deal with COVID-19. So, how has everyone handled this situation? Here are what the Knowsters have to say.

For some, like Ahmed from our IT department, working from home is mostly all positive (including his really cool home office set up). "For me, it has had many pros. Since I usually commute from Tampa, WFH has saved me time, money, and energy. Time driving over the bridge, money in gas, and most of all, energy since I don't have to wake up earlier or sit in traffic on my commute to work." Brittany, from our Customer Success Department, agreed and added, "I have actually found it to be relaxing, quiet, and very productive! I haven't had any issues reaching customers or teammates."

But for others, especially parents, it can be challenging. "I have children - ages 5 and 8 - both girls and both in school. With the addition of schooling them it has been a bit crazy,"  said Matty from our SMB Sales Department. "They have their own live meeting with their teachers and I have mine for work. They both have homework that needs to be done and I have work to be done. Time management is the key to success. Work-life balance is off but I'm glad I get to spend more time with my children and get to see what they are doing in school. So, it has given me a ton of insight on how much they really do in a day at school; I have to say, I give credit to the teachers. 'Common Core Math' is for the birds. If you are a parent with kids in K-5 you know what I'm talking about."


Thankfully, our senior leadership, the People Operations Department, and the IT Department have been working hard to support all of our employees, and make working at home as easy and fun as possible. Matty went on to say "Knowbe4 has been understanding of my situation and provided me with all the support I could want and need. I had several people reach out to me out of the blue to make sure I was okay and was managing my way through this - that meant a lot to me. The company has supplied masks, toilet paper, coloring books for my children, and more - what a fantastic and thoughtful gift." 

Other employees echoed these sentiments, saying:

  • "I've received goodie bags for special occasions (e.g. birthday), notes of appreciation, and an extra $200 a month. KB4 has done this right, fast, and somehow has managed to make it fun." - Dan, People Operations
  • "KnowBe4 has been amazing through all of this. The WFH [employee intranet] channel is a nice break when you need a minute to regroup. It is great to touch base with co-workers and know we are all trying to do the same thing" - Holly, Finance
  • "The care package supplies have come in handy, and the [employee intranet] posts keep me smiling every day!" - Brittany, Customer Support

In Dans House

Plus, some funny stories have come out of this time.

  • "I walked away from my screen and Aaron took a screenshot of my house. Then, I came back and everyone was [virtually] in my house!! They really are characters, lol." - Dan, People Operations
  • "I didn't realize how often the lawn care team comes, or how often the garbage is removed. Also, my 'office' is right next to a window with a bush, and that bush is always where the party's at. Tom, my peeping squirrel, visits often." - Brittany, Customer Support
Peeping Tom-3 Rodie&Friend

Still, most Knowsters miss the office environment and spending time with their team members.

  • "I don't get to hang out or go for Starbucks runs with my team right now." - Dan, People Operations
  • "The only con would be missing my fellow co-workers and the perks of being in the office." - Ahmed, IT
  • "A con is definitely missing my team and our office environment. I was on vacation when we transitioned to work from home, so I feel like I never got to say 'goodbye'. I am looking forward to returning!" - Holly, Finance

Holly Dunkin Donuts

Overall, KnowBe4 was able to quickly and efficiently transition all employees to working from home with minimal impact on their daily lives. However, most employees are eager to get back into the office where they can enjoy the camaraderie of their team and all the perks that come with working in our modern office space!

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