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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 23 May 2017
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
Knowbe4 won this season in softball and made it to the playoffs! With several seasons under their belts there’s been a steady improvement and did you notice the fancy new jerseys?
“Hackattack” brought the company team spirit to the game and gave it their all! Swing Batta Batta Swinggg!
With their eyes on the ball and their focus high, Hackattack was a fierce competitor this softball season!
There were several close calls, many times the game was tied, endless home runs, but never a dull moment!
A victory lap around 3rd base ended the game that night and also made the perfect action shot!
We may not have taken the playoffs but there’s always next season! High 5's all around for a job well done!
Last but certainly not least, KnowBe4 presents a close up of our fancy new jerseys. One employee completed his attire with a fishing hat, because no Florida softball outfit it complete without a fishing hat right? ;)
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