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By: KnowBe4 HR
Published: 10 Apr 2019
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2022
If you live in the Tampa area, you may have recently seen KnowBe4's "Your Backyard" feature in the Tampa Bay Times!
The "Your Backyard" feature is a fantastic inside look at life at KnowBe4. Viewers can find a detailed list of benefits we offer, photos of fun community outreach events, what our day-to-day culture is like, and an "Inside the Offices of KnowBe4" video
In addition to our new feature, KnowBe4 was just named first place in large companies, for Tampa Bay Times Top Workplaces!
While this is our first year being first place in the large company division, KnowBe4 is no stranger to being number one in the Top Workplace category. In 2016, KnowBe4 placed first in the small company division for Top Workplace. In 2017, we placed first in the medium company division.
"While we have a large company headcount, we always strive to maintain the small company feel. Diversity and inclusion aren't just slogans here. We believe in people, and we are here to create opportunity for individuals and for the entire Tampa Bay community," said Stu, in his recent blog.
Get ready to discover what makes KnowBe4's sales organization one of the most dynamic and rewarding…
Halloween is our CEO, Stu's, favorite holiday. With that said, our Halloween celebrations seem to…