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KnowBe4's Expanded Recycling Program for US Employees

By: Lael - Director of Global Sustainability

Published: 8 Jun 2022
Last Updated: 2 Jun 2023

Much more can be recycled beyond the standard paper, cardboard, cans, and plastic bottles. Unfortunately, many areas in the US, such as our headquarters region of Florida, only include these few items in their standard solid waste collection service. That’s where KnowBe4’s expanded recycling program comes in! In addition to the usual materials, we offer the following courtesy recycling for our local Tampa Bay employees.

Plastic bags: We collect 15 types of plastic bags and wraps, and deliver these to a NexTrex drop-off location to be converted into park benches and outdoor equipment.

Reusable shopping bags: We collect used, ripped, or torn reusable bags and ship these to a company called ChicoBag. They distribute the usable ones to low-income families wanting to start a reusable bag habit, and recycle the damaged ones into new, useful products through partnerships with artists, crafters, and non-profit organizations.

Reusable bags awaiting recycling


Pens, glue sticks, etc: We collect and recycle these materials through TerraCycle.

E-Waste (broken or used electronics): We collect over 20 types of e-waste, which we recycle through a local e-waste recycling company called Urban e-Recycling


Batteries: We recycle single-use and rechargeable batteries with various organizations, depending on the size and type of the battery.

In addition to these items we recycle at our offices, even more recyclable items often go overlooked, such as mattresses, styrofoam, shoes, and glasses. We encourage everyone to explore recycling resources in their area to cut down on as much waste disposal as possible.

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