Accelerate Your KnowBe4 Business With the Partner Portal

KnowBe4 Partner Portal

Your Partner Portal

Robust yet easy-to-use, the KnowBe4 Partner Portal is your single source for all the sales, marketing and training resources available to help you accelerate your business.

Stay in Touch!

We know we’re not your only vendor and that it’s hard to stay on top of all the latest thought leadership, program updates and new platform features. To make it easy for you, follow our channels to get only what you need, when you need it.

Thought Leadership Blog

Boost your trusted advisor status and keep the conversation with your customers going. View and quickly share from the KnowBe4 Blog.

Partner Social Media

Browse our curated feed of the most important information just for partners on LinkedIn.

Channel Newsletter

Be sure to catch our quarterly update that’s always packed with resources and fresh market intel. If you don’t already receive our emails ask your Partner Manager.

What Our Partners Are Saying

Partnering with KnowBe4 has been extremely valuable for our business and our clients. Transacting was simple and easy, with a quick turnaround from quote to sale. The product is solid, with features our customers care about while anticipating additional needs.

Chris Boykin CTO, FutureCom

With the help of the KnowBe4 team, we've been very successful introducing KnowBe4 to all of our customers. Not only is it a great product, it gives us a reason to call the CISO every month and discuss their Phish-prone percentage, helping us build better relationships and increase trust.

David Fizer Managing Sr. Account Executive, Eurofins Network Solutions