KnowBe4 Wins Channelnomics Security Award for Best Security Training
World’s largest library of security awareness training recognized for excellence
World’s largest library of security awareness training recognized for excellence
Restricted Intelligence series on privacy and GDPR added to arsenal to fight social engineering
Rigorous exam completion demonstrates ongoing dedication to protection of client data
KnowBe4’s data-driven defense evangelist to present on
12 ways to hack two-factor authentication
Sjouwerman’s exceptional leadership and reputation for creating a positive corporate culture recognized
Boat Refugee Foundation desperately needs volunteers to help teach computer classes
New strategic partnership provides fresh
materials to grow KnowBe4’s library of content
Ronald Lee appointed KnowBe4 managing director of APAC to support a region
that is highly vulnerable to cyberattacks
Strong company culture and world-class customer service contribute to rapid growth