
Press Releases

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Recent Posts

KnowBe4 Offers White House Free Security Awareness Training

KnowBe4 offers free training to combat Russian hackers who send phishing attacks to  White House staffers

KnowBe4 Customers Act On Security Awareness Wakeup Call

Security Awareness Training company sees explosive growth in popularity as it leads the pack as an effective anti-phishing solution

KnowBe4 ALERT: New Ransomware Spear-phish Uses Dropbox Attack

Highly malicious strain found only takes 1 click to infect systems using DropBox

Study Shows 83% Security Concerns Directly Related to Phishing

KnowBe4 sponsored study by Osterman Research shows nearly 80% see no improvement in the phishing problem with a third seeing the problem getting worse

KnowBe4 Warns of Onslaught of New Ransomware Strains

Ransomware expands capabilities with several new types found, expanding its deadly reach into unmapped network drives, malicious help and games

KnowBe4 Announces Competitive Upgrade to Combat Ineffective Phishing Training Tools

KnowBe4 Offers Security Awareness Training Company Customers a Way Out with Competitive Upgrade to Combat Sophisticated Spear-phishing Attacks.

Billion Dollar Cyberheist Caused By Phish-prone Employees

KnowBe4 urges US institutions to take effective action to train employees before they fall victim to phishing attacks

Alert from KnowBe4: New Ransomware Strain Encrypts Files from Memory

KnowBe4 CEO Stu Sjouwerman issued a warning today of a new strain of ransomware

KnowBe4 Warns Anthem Customers to Watch for Phishing Attempts

New Anthem Inc. hack disclosed; KnowBe4 issues alert and warning to customers to watch out for the inevitable spate of phishing attempts that is likely to follow

KnowBe4 Warns: Child Predator Phishing Scam Preys On Parents Fears

New phishing scam sinks to new lows by targeting parents with fake “child predator in your area” emails.

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