
Press Releases

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Recent Posts

KnowBe 4 Alerts Users: CryptoLocker Variant Threat Goes Stand Alone

KnowBe4’s Ransomware “We Pay if You’re Hit” Protection Gives Businesses a Safety Net

CryptoLocker Goes Spearphishing, Infections Soar, Warns KnowBe4

Ransomware Expands Crypto-Extortion from Adult Sites to HR Departments.

KnowBe4 Warns: Third Ransomware Strain Called CryptorBit Attacks

The Crypto Malware Evolution Moves on Full Speed Ahead with New Variant - Adding a Third Cyber Gang Effort to Rake in High Stakes

New Osterman Research Report Reveals: Only 13% Happy With Compliance Methods

Burdensome Compliance Management Processes are Eating Into IT Budget

KnowBe4 Issues CryptoDefense Warning - Ransomware is Worse than CryptoLocker

KnowBe4 issues warning to computer users of new ransomware, how to avoid infection and how to avoid being caught up in a cyber-gang war

KnowBe4 Study Shows Maintaining Security Getting Much Harder for IT

Companies Taking Security Awareness Training Seriously

Unintended Consequences of Compliance Seen as a Stumbling Block to Security

KnowBe4 Compliance Manager Helps IT Establish a Compliance Safe Zone

KnowBe4 Releases New 2014 Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training

Spear-Phishing and Other Cyber Security Threats Mitigated by Security Awareness Training

ITIC and KnowBe4 Latest Study Reveals Companies Lack “BYOD” Security

New ITIC/KnowBe4 Independent Survey Reveals 53% of businesses are unprepared to deal with hacked or stolen BYOD devices even though 50% indicated company-owned tablets, notebooks & smartphones may have been hacked in last 12 months

Security Awareness Training Firm KnowBe4 Says CryptoLocker Complaints Rising

New Breed of Ransomware is Leaving Skilled IT Admins at the Mercy of End Users

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