KnowBe4 Releases Innovative, Customizable Automated Security Awareness Program Builder: ASAP

No-charge ASAP tool is an industry-first that helps IT professionals and security practitioners create a human firewall: their last line of defense.

Soaring cybercrime statistics have created an urgent need for training employees how to spot and avoid being victimized by social engineering. IT is responsible for cyber security, however many IT professionals don’t exactly know where to start when it comes to creating a security awareness program that will work for their organization. KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s most popular security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, takes the guesswork out of the process with its new, no-charge Automated Security Awareness Program (ASAP).ASAP Calendar view.png

ASAP is a completely unique tool for IT pros, and allows them to create a customized security awareness program for their organization that will help implement all the steps needed to create a fully mature training program in just a few minutes. ASAP is an industry first and another in a long line of unique and no-cost offerings from KnowBe4 to help businesses enlist their users as a “last line of defense” against mounting security threats.

KnowBe4 CEO Stu Sjouwerman said, “We wanted to make this as easy as possible for IT pros, as we know they have 16 other fires to put out. Awareness training is their “third job” in the evenings and weekends and we’d like to help them have an easier go of it.”

The program comes complete with actionable tasks, helpful tips, courseware suggestions down to a color-coded management calendar. ASAP includes the ability to export the full program as a detailed or executive summary version in PDF format, use it for compliance requirements and reporting to management. If an organization is already a KnowBe4 customer, the full program can be managed from within their KnowBe4 console. If not a customer, the program lays out an action plan that can be used as a best-practices template to follow.

The process of creating the program is simple enough – an IT manager answers questions about security goals and organization, and a program is scheduled automatically. The program tasks are based on best practices of how to achieve these security awareness goals, and includes an easy calendar view to plan and deploy the security awareness program.

Here's a step-by-step for IT professionals: 

  • Answer 15-25 questions (number varies depending upon answers)
  • View suggested training materials based on answers
  • Choose and change program start date and tasks
  • Receive a calendar and list view of tasks
  • Access a dashboard with program status, percent complete, tasks overdue, etc.
  • Receive detailed and summary exportable PDF versions of the program
  • Gain a fully mature security awareness program ready in 10 minutes


Current KnowBe4 customers can just log in to their console, click on ASAP at the top right and get started immediately. Organizations that are not KnowBe4 customers, but that want to access and use ASAP at no cost should go to

For more information on KnowBe4, visit

About KnowBe4 
KnowBe4, the provider of the world’s most popular integrated new school security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, is used by more than 11,000 organizations worldwide. Founded by data and IT security expert Stu Sjouwerman, KnowBe4 helps organizations address the human element of security by raising awareness of ransomware, CEO Fraud and other social engineering tactics through a new school approach to security awareness training. Kevin Mitnick, internationally recognized computer security expert and KnowBe4’s Chief Hacking Officer, helped design KnowBe4’s platform based on his well-documented social engineering tactics. Thousands of organizations trust KnowBe4 to mobilize their end-users as their last line of corporate IT defense.

Number 139 on the 2016 Inc 500 list, #50 on 2016 Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 and #6 in Cybersecurity Ventures Cybersecurity 500. KnowBe4 is based in Tampa Bay, Florida

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