
Press Releases

Keeping you informed and keeping you safe online is more important then ever

Breaking News from KnowBe4: Two New Ransomware Strains

 KnowBe4 CEO Stu Sjouwerman issued a warning today of two new strains of ransomware that have been discovered, giving IT security a heads up on how to spot and handle

New Hybrid VirRansom: The AIDS of Ransomware on the Loose

KnowBe4 issues heads up to IT managers on a nasty new hybrid strain of ransomware

KnowBe4 Issues Alert:Social Engineering Threats Soaring

KnowBe4 says “watch out” for cybercriminals looking to make some extra cash during scam season - it’s a social engineering bonanza with threats on multiple fronts

KnowBe4 Honored as a Finalist in Emerging Companies of the Year Awards

Efforts to foster technology growth in Tampa Bay pay off with recognition and growth for Tampa Bay company KnowBe4

KnowBe4 Announces New 2015 Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training

The first fully integrated security awareness training and phishing platform gets a refresh making once optional user education a necessity

KnowBe4 Says “PCI Guidance On Security Awareness Programs on the Mark”

PCI DSS’s new security awareness guidelines give an accurate and thorough nod to effective best practices for security awareness training.

KnowBe4 Signals Recent Events Show Ransomware Has Gone Mainstream

Hollywood does its part to promote cybersecurity awareness month; helps spread the word that ransomware is a real threat

KnowBe4 Issues Alert: CryptoWall 2.0 Ransomware Moves to TOR Network

Dangerous new ransomware variant storms onto the scene using the anonymous TOR network, taking down systems and networks unlucky enough to be caught in its path

KnowBe4 Announces International Expansion into EMEA

Provider of Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training and KnowBe4 Compliance Manager Opens Offices in the UK

KnowBe4 Says Breach Fatigue May Put Your Company at Risk for Ransomware

The increase in high profile data breaches may cause complacency and more trouble

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