
Press Releases

Keeping you informed and keeping you safe online is more important then ever

KnowBe4 Releases New 2014 Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training

Spear-Phishing and Other Cyber Security Threats Mitigated by Security Awareness Training

ITIC and KnowBe4 Latest Study Reveals Companies Lack “BYOD” Security

New ITIC/KnowBe4 Independent Survey Reveals 53% of businesses are unprepared to deal with hacked or stolen BYOD devices even though 50% indicated company-owned tablets, notebooks & smartphones may have been hacked in last 12 months

Security Awareness Training Firm KnowBe4 Says CryptoLocker Complaints Rising

New Breed of Ransomware is Leaving Skilled IT Admins at the Mercy of End Users

Socially-Engineered Behavior to Blame for Most Security Breaches

Security Company KnowBe4 Analysis Shows Awareness Training Greatly Mitigates Behavior Risks

KnowBe4 Eliminates Compliance Anxiety for Overworked IT Managers

Newly Released Cloud-based Audit and Compliance Workflow Automation Tool Simplifies and Consolidates IT Compliance

80% of Companies say "Careless End Users" are their Biggest Security Threat

According to new findings, KnowBe4, a security awareness training firm, and research firm ITIC, found that 80 percent of companies say that "end user carelessness" is the biggest security threat to their systems and networks.

Cost of Cybercrime Surges to $113 Billion--KnowBe4 Says Lack of Security Training Equals Serious Legal Liability

As the cost per cybercrime victim continues to rise, Internet security awareness firm KnowBe4 says that businesses without security training are vulnerable to data breaches and, as a result, future class-action lawsuits.

Cybercrime's Newest Victim? KnowBe4 Challenges "Inaccurate' Study Labeling Neurotic Women More Likely to be Phish-Prone

A recent article detailed a study that says neurotic women are more likely to fall for internet scams. KnowBe4 founder, Stu Sjouwerman, says cybercrime does not discriminate, and everyone is equally vulnerable.

KnowBe4 Founder Designates Five Tiers of Security Awareness Training as Spammers Capitalize on Syria Mayhem

Stu Sjouwerman, founder of Internet security awareness training firm KnowBe4, classifies the five types of security awareness training amid phishing attempts that play upon Americans' interest in the recent hostility with Syria.

KnowBe4 Predicts New Cybercrime Trend: "Persistent Spear Phishing" - Next-Level Hack Attack

Internet security awareness training firm KnowBe4, warns the public of what could be the next wave of cybercrime—persistent spear phishing.

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