November 7, 2011 at 1:29 AM
KnowBe4 Alerts Businesses to Latest Cybercrime Trends: Spear-Phishing Lawsuit Threats and “Whaling”
IT Security Expert Stu Sjouwerman Warns That Cybercriminals Are Using Publicly Available Email Addresses to Target Employees and Executives’ Spouses
CLEARWATER, Fla., November 7, 2011 – As cybercriminals continue to expand their arsenal of phishing tactics, Internet Security Awareness Training (ISAT) firm KnowBe4 remains committed to educating small and medium enterprises (SMEs) about emerging threats. IT security expert Stu Sjouwerman, founder and CEO of KnowBe4, is warning clients and the public of two new scams that have making the rounds – spear-phishing lawsuit threats and “whaling.”
“One of cybercriminals’ favorite tricks is to create emails that purport to be sent by a government agency, bank or other well-known entity, accusing the recipient of some illicit activity and threatening legal action,” explained Sjouwerman (pronounced “shower-man”). “Some of the more cunning crooks use spear-phishing. For example, they might target employees of a specific organization by sending emails that appear to be sent by a legitimate customer, partner or vendor. The urgency of the message and a desire to preserve the business relationship may lead the recipient to click without thinking.”